
Counseling for Healthcare Workers
Healthcare workers face unique challenges.
A report from WHO found that since 2020, burnout has impacted 41-51% of healthcare workers, anxiety symptoms were present in 23-46%, and depressive symptoms in 20-37% of healthcare workers. Additionally, healthcare professionals face unique challenges such as long working hours, mandated shifts, moral injury, emotional stress, and the stigma associated with seeking help.
As someone who used to be a nurse and has experience working in different levels of care, I wholeheartedly understand the stressors that healthcare professionals can face on a daily basis. This is partially what propelled me to enroll in graduate school to become a clinical mental health counselor. I wanted to both serve my colleagues better as well as patients, and work to advocate for better and more equitable work environments.

Types of therapy and support
Advocacy around promoting a healthy, inclusive, and realistic work environment is vitally important as is self-care though it is not always enough. Further healing can be required. Therapy with Morning Lotus Counseling, LLC utilizes trauma processing models such as Brainspotting and the Comprehensive Resource Model to help you move past difficult emotions and experiences. We will also help you set more realistic boundaries for yourself and employ strategies to increase efficiency and maximize your wellness both at work and outside of work.
“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”
— Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh
Available mental health resources
Burnout by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA
Dignity by Donna Hicks, PhD
Real Self-Care by Pooja Lakshmin, MD
Fair Play by Eve Rodsky
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Trauma Counseling:
Engaging in trauma therapy can help you better understand and cope with your emotions, feel like you have more agency in your life, reduce stress levels, improve interpersonal relationships, and develop a positive sense of self.
Stress Management:
Stress management skills are designed to help a person take control of their lifestyle, thoughts, and emotions and teach them healthy ways to cope with their problems.
Depression and Anxiety:
Recovering from depression and anxiety involves acknowledging personal struggles, seeking support, and gradually rediscovering inner strength and resilience for a brighter future through multiple therapeutic approaches such as DBT and CBT.
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